Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Can you Get A Decent Haircut as an Expat?

I read an interesting "Tweet" from Sharon Gilor on Twitter, linking to her blog post about expats finding a hairdresser (see I was truly amazed to read the issues people had, and the lengths they go to to avoid going under the scissors in their host country.

I personally have never been one to run to the hairdresser every month or two. In fact, for some reason I have a bit of an aversion to hairdressers. Maybe it is fear; I don't know. I have never had a nightmare experience that left me wanting to don a paper bag over my head, but it just hasn't been on my priority list in life to regularly trim my locks. Naturally curly hair takes a lot to be tamed and I gave up trying many years ago - so a quick trim every quarter in my local hairdresser is about my limit - which incidentally which specialises in kid's haircuts and is the same one I take my toddler to.....

One expat explained on Twitter that it has taken her three years to find a hairdresser she is happy with in China. Another stated that she waits until she is back in the United States before letting anyone loose on her hair. An American in Turkey told how the hairdressers there give you what they think is the trend, whether it works for you or not.

It certainly looks like Sharon hit something to the expat woman's heart. So why is this the case?

The local language is an issue for some - getting across exactly what you want to achieve can be a challenge in a second language. Different fashion trends in the host country is another reason it is so hard to find a hairdresser you stay with for years and trust. There is also the factor of finding a salon abroad that tailors to your hair type (one expat in the Netherlands added that she thought it was harder to find a hairdresser here if you are black) - it may simply be a lack of experience with your type of hair because of the 'usual' hair type in that country (want to say something about long and blond in the Netherlands but I will resist).

Whatever the reason, it seems there are lots of expats across the world struggling to find the perfect hairdresser for them... so if you find one worth holding on to, spread the word!!

What are your experiences with keeping your hair in top condition when you are overseas? Had a disaster you'd like to share, or a hairdresser you want to shout about?

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